The Theme of the Book of Romans
The theme of the book revolves around the Gospel of Christ. Paul is concerned that his readers understand how a sinner may be received as righteous by a righteous God; and how a justified sinner should live daily to the glory of God.
The Structure of the Book of Romans
(What was covered last night)
- 1:1-6 The Gospel: Promised before by the Prophets, and revealed by them. Never hidden.
- 1:7 Salutation
- 1:8-10 Prayer Concerning Paul's visit to them.
- 1:10-13 Paul's Desire to Visit them.
- 1:14-16 His Ministry of the Gospel
Things to Think About
- Notice in verse 11
- I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong
- Paul is desiring to impart or share a spiritual gift with the Roman believers.
- This is not any extraordinary gift of the Spirit; but spiritual revelation, knowledge, peace, and comfort, through the knowledge of the Gospel of Christ that Paul is teaching them.
- The Greek word GIFT means:
- the economy of divine grace, by which the pardon of sin and eternal salvation is appointed to sinners in consideration of the merits of Christ laid hold of by faith, plural of the several blessings of the Christian salvation.
- Basically, Paul was desiring for the Roman Believer's to know what they believe and why they believe it, so that they would all be unified in the Gospel.
- It is important that ALL Christian's be on the same page when it comes to the Gospel.
- I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. Romans 1:14
- The meaning is, that he was obliged by the call he had from God, the injunction that was laid upon him by him, and the gifts with which he was qualified, to preach the Gospel to all sorts of men.
- We are also obliged as well by the call of God to "go into all the World and preach" the gospel to all mankind. We must arm ourselves with the gospel of Christ and share it with our lost love ones, friends, and strangers we encounter along our way.
- For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For in it is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
- Verse 16, Salvation by faith through God's power to forgive and pardon the sinner, making the sinner in right standing (righteous) in God's site. This is from God to sinful man.
- Verse 17, A divine righteousness revealed by God on faith-principle
- Verse 17, A divine righteousness revealed by God unto faith as regards ourselves, i.e. exercised in us.
- Basically, from faith to faith; that is to say, from the faith of God to the faith of men; from the faith of someone who preaches truth to the faith of hearers; from the faith of the Old to the faith of the New Testament saints; or rather from one degree of faith to another; for faith, as it grows and increases, has clearer sights of this righteousness, as held forth in the Gospel. For the proof of this, a passage of Scripture is cited, as it is written, Habakkuk 2:4;