Monday, May 30, 2016

Bible Study and Deveotional Helps

Remember; you can never grow as a Christian without growing in God's word and in prayer.

"The Word of God well understood and religiously obeyed is the shortest route to spiritual perfection. And we must not select a few favorite passages to the exclusion of others. Nothing less than a whole Bible can make a whole Christian.( Read 2 Peter 1:3-11)

--- A.W. Tozer

like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation.  1 Peter 2:2

Bible Apps - (All the apps below have Bible reading plans)

Bible's Online (Great Online Bible Study Tools)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

ACTS Study in Romans for May 19th Connect Group

DOCTRINAL 2:12 - 5-11
  • 1:16-5:11 Sins, Old Nature, Results
  • 5:12-8:39 Sins, Old Nature, Itself


1) To see how people without a direct revelation of God's Will can
   still be lost

2) To see how people who may have a written Law from God are also in
   need of salvation


Having vividly depicted the condition of the Gentile world in chapter
one, Paul now addresses his comments to those who pass judgment on
others when they themselves are guilty of the same things (1).  He
points out that they are in danger of God's righteous judgment, who
"will render to each one according to his deeds" (2-6).  This judgment
will offer either eternal life or wrath and indignation, given without 
partiality, and the decision is based on whether one does good or evil 

To justify the condemnation of Gentiles who did not have a written Law 
(like the Jews), Paul affirms that the Gentiles could "by nature do the 
things contained in the law" and that their own consciences will bear 
witness of their guilt on the day of judgment.  In this way Paul 
demonstrated the Gentiles' need of salvation (12-16).

Lest the Jews think their having the Law frees them from condemnation, 
Paul proceeds to demonstrate that they too are in need of salvation.  
Though they have the Law, their failure to keep it perfectly caused 
them to dishonor God and blaspheme His Name (17-24).  Introducing a 
thought he will expand upon later in the epistle, he points out that a 
true Jew is one who is circumcised in his heart, and not just in the 
flesh (25-29).


2:12-5:11 The Power And Righteousness of God Revealed

2:2-11 Jew and Gentile Guilty Before God
      1. The inconsistent judge judges himself (1)
      2. The hypocritical judge is judged by truth (2)
      3. The foolish judge reasons poorly (3)
      4. The presumptuous judge treasures up wrath (4-11)

2:12 The case of the Jew and Gentile
  • Those who sin will still perish (12)

2: 13-16 General reasons 
  • The Gentiles DO have a law (13-15)
  • Jesus Christ will judge accordingly (16)

22:17-27 The case of the Jew
      1. The Jewish self-portrait (17-20)
      2. The Jewish inconsistency and dishonor of God (21-24)

2:28-29 General reflection
      1. Voided by transgressing the Law (25-27)
      2. The true Jew is one circumcised in the heart, in the Spirit  (28-29)

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

ACTS Study In Romans Chapter 1:16 - 2:1

DOCTRINAL 1:16-8:39
  • 1:16-5:11 Sins, Old Nature, Results
  • 5:12-8:39 Sins, Old Nature, Itself

1:16-2:11 Sins, Old Nature, Results
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it [the] righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "BUT THE RIGHTEOUS [man] SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.

Paul may have had in his mind our Lord's own words;
  • Mark 8:38 If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels."

  • Pride of Greek philosophy 
  • The philosophy of God and the philosophy of the world

The Power of God
  • The Greek word here is dunamis
  • inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, beyond our powerendued with powerthe power which the resurrection of Christ has, for instructing, reforming, elevating, tranquilizing, the soul, universally, the power of Goddivine power considered as acting upon the minds of menmoral power, operating on the soul, 
  • The Greek word Salvation:
  • God's rescue which delivers believers out of destruction and into His safety.
  • The Greek Word Believes: 
  • is used emphatically, of those who acknowledge Jesus as the savior and devote themselves to him:

16 Salvation by faith through God's power in providing righteousness
17 A divine righteousness revealed by God on faith-principle to Himself
  • Greek word for faith hear means: he who has the same faith as Abraham, to be related, akin to, faith, faith is a power that seizes upon the soul, one who yields himself to it.
17 A divine righteousness revealed by God onto faith as regards to ourselves, i.e. exercised in us. 
  • Greek word for faith hear means: springing from faith (and availing) to (arouse) faith (in those who as yet have it not)

  • Man's ungodliness deserves it
  • God judgment just
  • Man's impenitence deserves it
  • God's judgment just

  • 1:21 The Glory of God rejected
  • Consequences, mental corruption
  • 1:22-23 God's glory degraded
  • 1:24 Consequences degradation of bodily passions
  • 1:25 God's truth degraded
  • 1:26-27 Consequences degradation of bodily passions
  • 1:28 The knowledge of God rejected
  • 1:28-31 Consequences mental corruption
  • 1:32-2:1 God's judgment known. Ungodliness therefore inexcusable 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Connect Group Meeting For May 12th

A reminder that we will be meeting Thursday May 12th at Buck and Janet's house. We will continue our study in the book of Romans. If you missed our last meeting, please review what we learned by going to the HERE.

In His Service,
