Thursday, June 23, 2016

ACTS study in Romans Chapter 4


DOCTRINAL 2:12 - 5-11

1:16-5:11 Sins, Old Nature, Results

5:12-8:39 Sins, Old Nature, Itself

 Chapter Four


1) To understand how Abraham was justified in God's sight

2) To see that the "righteousness" God imputes to man is actually

   justification (i.e., forgiveness)

3) To comprehend the nature of justifying faith by considering the

   example of Abraham


Now that he has declared that God's righteousness is to be found in a

system involving justification by faith and not by keeping the works of 

any law, Paul proceeds to provide evidence by referring to Abraham's 

example.  In considering the justification of Abraham, Paul quotes

Genesis 15:6 where it is stated that Abraham's faith was accounted to

him for righteousness (1-3).  Abraham trusted in God, not in his own

works, and through such faith experienced the righteousness

(forgiveness) expressed by David in Psalms 31:1,2 (4-8).

To demonstrate further that God's righteousness by faith is offered to 

both Jew and Gentile, Paul again appeals to the example of Abraham.  He 

reminds them that Abraham's faith was accounted for righteousness prior 

to receiving circumcision, which was in itself a seal of the

righteousness of the faith he had while uncircumcised.  Thus Abraham

serves as a father of all who believe, whether circumcised or not


Paul then reminds them that the promise that Abraham was to be "a 

father of many nations" was given in light of his faith, not through 

some law, so that the promise might be according to grace and sure to

those who have the same kind of faith as Abraham (13-17).

Finally, the nature of Abraham's obedient faith is illustrated (18-22), 

with the explanation it was preserved to reassure us that we who have 

the same kind faith in God who raised Jesus will find our faith

accounted for righteousness in the same way (23-25).




      1. If by works, then he could boast (1-2)

      2. The Scriptures reveal it was by his faith in God (3)

         a. One who trusts in works, seeks God's debt, not His grace


         b. But when one trusts in God to justify him, such faith is

            counted for righteousness (5)


      1. Even David spoke of God imputing righteousness apart from

         works (6)

      2. Blessed are those against whom God does not impute sins (7-8)



      1. His faith was counted for righteousness before he was

         circumcised (9-10)

      2. Circumcision was a seal of the righteousness he had while

         uncircumcised (11a)

      3. Thus he became the father of all who have the same kind of

         faith, both circumcised and uncircumcised (11b-12)


      1. The promise to be the heir of the world given in view of his

         faith (13)

      2. It was not given through law (14-15)

      3. But in light of faith, according to grace, to assure that all

         who are of the same faith as Abraham might be heirs of the

         promise (16-17)

      4. The kind of obedient faith illustrated by Abraham (18-22)

      5. Abraham's justification by faith assures that we who believe

         in Him who raised Jesus from the dead shall find justification


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Notes From 6/9/2016 The Importance of Studying God's Word

The Importance of Studying God's Word

The Bible, the only source of absolute divine authority, will inform you of God's mind and will for your life (2 Timothy 3:16-17). That is surely reason enough to study God's Word.

The Qualities of God's Word

  • The Bible is infallible in its totality
  • The Bible is inerrant in its parts
  • The Bible is complete
  • The Bible is authoritative and final
  • The Bible is totally sufficient for your needs
  • The Bible accomplishes what it promises
  • The Bible provides assurance of salvation

If any of the above words are new to you, here are a few definitions you might find helpful:
  • Inerrancy: The Bible is free from error in all it affirms.
  • Infallibility: The Bible is unfailing in its purpose.
  • Sufficiency: The Bible contains all needed information for Christian living.
  • Authority: The Bible carries the right to prescribe beliefs and actions.

The Benefit of Knowing God's Word
The Bible remains the only source of divine revelation and power that can sustain you as a Christian in your walk with God. Note these significant promises in the Scripture.
The Bible is the source of:
  • Truth: "Sanctify them by Your truth; Your word is truth" (John 17:17).
  • God's blessing: "But He said, 'More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it'" (Luke 11:28).
  • Victory: "...the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Eph. 6:17).
  • Growth: "As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby" (1 Pet. 2:2).
  • Power: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek" (Rom. 1:16).
  • Guidance: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Ps. 119:105).

2 Timothy 3:16–17

16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

  • Profitableuseful
  • Doctrineinstruction
  • Reprooffor convicting one of his sinfulness
  • Correction: restoration to an upright or a right state; correction, improvement (in Greek writings from Demosthenes down): of life and character
  • Instruction: instruction which aims at the increase of virtue
  • Righteousnessthe doctrine concerning the way in which man may attain to a state approved of God...."integrity, virtue, purity of life, uprightness, correctness in thinking, feeling, and acting:

Psa 19
I. The revelation of God in his works, Psalm 19:1-6.
II. The higher and more glorious revelation of himself in his law, Psalm 19:7-10.
III. The bearing of these truths on the present character and conduct of the author, and consequently their adaptedness to produce the same effect on others, Psalm 19:11-14.
(a) in warning men of the nature of sin, and thus keeping them from transgression, Psalm 19:11;
(b) in making them aware of the extent and depth of sin, and especially of secret faults, Psalm 19:12;
(c) in leading them to pray earnestly that they may be cleansed from secret faults, and be kept back or restrained from presumptuous sins, Psalm 19:12-13;
(d) in leading them to pray earnestly that their words and thoughts may be made acceptable to God, Psalm 19:14.

Verse 7; The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul;  The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.

  • Perfect: sound, wholesome, not weakened, innocent, having integrity: of God's way and work 
  • Restoringgive back, restore, refresh
  • Soulseat of the appetites....emotions and feelings, desires, 
  • Testimonythe code of law in General 
  • Sure reliable, faithful, 
  • Making Wiseestrain from acting in an evil manner, judge, govern; make firm, sound, free from defect by the exercise of skill
  • Simple: Open Minded - open to the instruction of wisdom or follyare easily enticed, misled and go back 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Updated Prayer List

Updated prayer list...
Connect Group

Praise Report

  • Buck feeling better and a good report from the Doctor
  • Brandy went to mediation on Tuesday and gets to keep her children. 
  • Emily off medication; depression gone & no self abuse. 
  • Angelia's migraines gone
  • Glen's Dad free of depression & infection, now has 50% kidney function from 20%
  • Laura Kurtz had a healthy baby & safe delivery
  • Margie's melanoma gone

Prayer Request

  • Pray for our group to be in the Word daily
  • Glen's Dad - stability, heart, kidneys, blockage in leg; Procedure Monday 6/12
  • Glen & Angelia to start a home group 
  • Angelia's grandmother
  • Alicia (Pam's daughter)
  • Rory's Dad, salvation
  • Rory - thoughts to be led captive to Christ
  • Jenny Gabriel salvation
  • Maridyth for salvation & protection 
  • Jarrett's parents
  • Jarrett's Mom, Tina, for a speedy recovery from surgery
  • Jarrett's job
  • Jarred's friend Chance 
  • Emily & her Mom, Brandy, abuse, custody
  • Pastor Mike & Kim provision for thier household
  • Buck for continued healing
  • Barbara & Margie, Kim's Aunts, healing
  • Joan Crawford for healing
  • Youth camp
  • Buck & Janet for traveling grace & safety.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

ACTS Study of Romans for May 26, 2013

DOCTRINAL 2:12 - 5-11
  • 1:16-5:11 Sins, Old Nature, Results
  • 5:12-8:39 Sins, Old Nature, Itself


1) To understand the particulars of God's righteousness:  grace,
   redemption, propitiation, faith in Jesus, and justification

2) To see the difference between a law of works and the law of faith


As Paul continues to show the Jews' need of salvation, he  proceeds to answer questions that he takes into account the possibility of protesting Jews and what they might ask.  He explains the advantage of being a Jew, the faithfulness of God in spite of the Jews' unbelief, and the right of God to condemn the unrighteousness of man even though it magnifies His Own righteousness (1-8).  Though the Jews had the advantage of possessing the very oracles of God, Paul still concludes that the Jews as well as the Gentiles are in sin and proves his conclusion by listing a series of Old Testament scriptures that speaks to those under the Law (the Jews) as sinners (9-19).  His conclusion:  a law (like the Law of Moses) could not save, but only reveal the knowledge of sin; a point he will elaborate upon in 
chapter seven (20).

Paul now carefully begins to explain the "good news" of God's plan of salvation.  Apart from law, yet witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, God's way of making man right through faith in Jesus Christ is now made  clear, and made available to all who believe, whether Jew or Greek, for
all have sinned (21-23).

This justification of man is explained in terms of redemption, made possible through the blood of Christ, and offered to those who have faith in Christ.  It also demonstrates how God can be both "just" (who takes seriously the sins of mankind) and "a justifier" (who is able to forgive sinners).  God is able to do this by offering Christ's blood as a propitiation to those who have faith (24-26).

This "justification" is a gift of God's grace to those who have faith,  which prevents anyone from boasting as though they through the works of a law deserved it (27-30).  This does not void the need for law, but rather meets the requirement of law (31).


3:1-26 The case of the Jew


      1. In many respects (1)
      2. Especially in having the "Oracles of God" (2)

      1. Unbelieving Jews will not make the faithfulness of God without
         effect (3-4)
      2. God is right to be angry, even if "unrighteousness"
         demonstrates His Own righteousness (5-6)
      3. Though sin might increase God's truth and give Him glory,
         people will still be judged for their sins (7-8)

      1. Despite advantages, Jews like Greeks are under sin (9)
      2. Biblical proof (10-18)
      3. Application and conclusion (19-20)
         a. The Law condemns all, especially to whom it was given (19)
         b. Law cannot justify, but only reveal the knowledge of sin

      1. Apart from law, but witnessed by the Law (21)
      2. A righteousness through faith in Jesus (22a)
      3. For all who believe, for all have sinned (22b-23)
      1. Justification by grace through redemption in Christ (24)
      2. Jesus' blood offered by God as a propitiation through faith
      3. This demonstrates God's righteousness toward the one who has
         faith in Jesus (25b-26)

3:1-26 General Conclusion

      1. Boasting on man's part is excluded (27a)
      2. For justification is based on faith, not deeds of law (27b-28)
      3. God is God of Jews and Gentiles, for He justifies both by
         faith (29-30)
      4. This does not void the need for law, but rather meets the 
         requirements of law (31)